PLEASE NOTE – The review of TwinPegs is in 3 parts:
Part 1 – Fit & Finish
Part 2 – Installation
Part 3 – Riding With TwinPegs
The TwinPegs are now fully installed on the Overland Rider Yamaha Tenere 700. Before installing these I searched the net for some clear pics that might show the TwinPegs in situ but any images were few and far between, so to compensate for that I’m going to make this part of the review picture heavy, in the hope it will help others further down the line.
Required Tools
Installing the TwinPegs does not require a garage full of tool but you will need the following:
1. Long nose pliers
2. 4mm, 5mm and 7mm Hex sockets
3. A Right Angle “L” Tool (will be helpful)
4. 12mm Socket
The instructions are fairly comprehensive and each of the four instruction sheets can be downloaded at the bottom of this review. They could probably do with a few small upgrades, however, which I’ll explain as we go on.
Firstly, there are two tubular spacers that are used when attaching the crescent shaped main bracket to the bike. If you look carefully at the image above you’ll see the single bolt just in front of the large AltRider Adventure II foot pegs. A spacer is inserted between the main bike bracket and the crescent TwinPegs bracket in order to keep it correctly parallel with the bike. The two spacers are, however, of slightly differing lengths. The short one needs to go on the right side of the bike and the longer one on the left. This was either not mentioned or at least not made clear and, of course, I first installed them the wrong way round and had to re-install those two bolts after the fact. It might even be useful if one was silver in colour and the other gold to clearly indicate which is which but either way, they must be installed correctly or the pedals will be skewed and the left side will not tighten down correctly.
Secondly, there is no mention anywhere of using LocTite thread lock on any of the bolts or cleats. Having wrenched on my own bikes for many years now, I know from experience that using thread lock on every bolt and cleat is imperative to keeping them from coming undone so, of course, all mine received a healthy a dab of blue thread-lock, but for less experienced riders I think this needs mentioning in the instructions and maybe even a small tube of blue LocTite could be included in the overall package.
Apart from that, follow the instructions and you should be good to go. It’s not a complex install, just a bit fiddly, but with a little head scratching and a small dollop of patience (and thread-lock), once you’ve figured out the first one, the second is very straightforward.
Whilst Kai recommends using the stock Yamaha pegs or PivotPegs with his TwinPegs, they should work with any aftermarket peg and I decided to keep by newly installed AltRider Adventure II pegs in place as I’m very used now to riding with extended foot pegs. These are 58mm wide and 122mm in length and the TwinPegs are around half the length and width, as you can see in the picture above.
The TwinPegs kit comes with 3 spacers per peg, allowing you to choose how low or high the rear peg will sit in comparison to the main foot peg.
Generally speaking, from what I can gather from reading a other reviews and watching various videos on YouTube, for off-road riding you’ll want the TwinPegs to be lower than the main pegs. I intend to first test these on the road, though, so I have installed all 3 pedal spacers, which on my setup, seems to put the TwinPegs at the exact same height as my main foot pegs and that’s where I’d imagine you’d want them whilst riding for long periods in the sitting position. I could be wrong, though, but I won’t find out until I’ve ridden them in earnest, the results of which will be recorded in Part 3 of this review.
Many people on social media have mentioned the crescent bracket possibly getting in the way, forcing your foot out too far of not leaving enough real estate for your foot to operate comfortably. If you look at the above image you’ll see that’s clearly NOT the case. The crescent bracket sits over the part of the main foot peg that slots into the bike’s foot peg bracket. When riding your boot should be on the foot peg, not on the bracket, so the TwinPegs crescent bracket actually does a great job of ensuring your boot is firmly where it’s supposed to be. Shove your foot up hard against that crescent bracket and your boot will sit exactly where it should on the peg.
The supplied springs are easy enough to fit and only forced one or two expletives from my lips during installation. They’re also strong little suckers and load the TwinPegs folding mechanism very nicely.
I managed a very brief ride with these installed and concluded that the crescent bracket has no effect on the relation between your boot and the gear lever. I couldn’t feel any difference in the overall position and changing gear was exactly as it was without the TwinPegs installed. Same applies for the rear brake lever.
I have to say (and I’m sure most will agree) these do look incredibly cool! A friend of mine has had these installed for a while now and told me that they have been the subject of many conversations by complete strangers who stopped him to ask about them. I can fully understand why! They’re unusual, great looking, well made and if I saw them on someone’s bike I’d also be asking the owner about them! OK, I’m not going to add weight to my bike and spend 350 quid in order to acquire a biker’s ice-breaker for bike meets but still, it doesn’t hurt that they look the part, too.
Part 2 Conclusion
These are well made parts which look great, are top quality and the install is a fairly unobtrusive process that will take about 15-20 mins per side. The finished install is mm perfect and rock solid, as you’d expect from a Scandinavian product in this price range. No, it’s not cheap and many will struggle with the price but it’s marvelously over-engineered and I personally love that! So far, so good but the most important part of this review will be Part 3; the riding experience. Keep checking back as I’ll be posting the first Part 3 draft in the next week or so and then updating that final section periodically over the next few months as the weather and my work/family commitments allow me to test the TwinPegs in different situations and in differing terrain.
A Note From The Designer
“Unfortunately TwinPegs brackets are not compatible with either Yamaha OEM centre stand or the SW Motech centre stand. So riders must choose between the convenience of having «workshop gear» permanently installed for convenient chain and rear tyre maintenance, or the improved ride experience that TwinPegs give. Niklas Haugen is using a auxillary support from Rolling Mavericks for wheel replacement/ chain maintenance. Many people also make their own.”
Where To Buy
TwinPegs AS
Installation Instructions
Instruction Sheet 1
Instruction Sheet 2
Instruction Sheet 3
Instruction Sheet 4