Following on from the conversion of a Peli case to a low profile top box, I’m now in need of some brackets to fit 2 x 5L plastic jerry cans to the bike.

After a lot of head scratching, drawing and measuring, I’ve concluded the best (read: only) place I can safely mount these is either side of the Peli case, but it will take some fortification of the side walls and some custom bracketry.

The materials I need are on their way and will hopefully land with me tomorrow. I managed to find the cans in black, despite them being dedicated fuel cans, that would normally always be red. Both jerry cans will be secured with lock and key on either side. Keep checking back and a full write-up will appear during the week and a video when the weather gives us a break.

Update 1 – 15/03/2023
This system is now built and it’s better than I expected. As soon as our UK weather clears I’ll post a video review. Please keep checking back.


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