One of the last mods I need to do my Tenere 700 (and I’ve been meaning to do this for the last 12 months..) is tidying the accessory wiring thus far attached to my battery. I’m not a fan of a crows nest and this is the only one of my bikes that I’ve allowed to go this long before sorting it. A few days ago I spoke to the owner of HealTech UK, the main UK distributor for the HealTech range of products, and that conversation convinced me to purchase the 32 amp version of their ThunderBox.

I’ll let the above graphic explain what this little unit does but in short: you connect the unit to the battery, connect all your accessories directly to the ThunderBox instead of your battery, and as well as tidying up the wiring and relieving the battery of multiple lollipop terminals, “it automatically detects when your engine is running/charging and switches power on to your accessories, then switches off when the engine is stopped.”

I will be aiming to get this installed over the next week or so and will then post my thoughts, pics and a video in the full review. Please check back or better still, hit the “Subscribe” button below and you’ll be notified whenever I publish a new review.


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  1. Neil M Wyenn

    The Thunderbox allows an under-capable electrician like me to wire in lights, air horns, aux power, heated clothes etc and not worry about making a costly mistake- like blowing up the ECU or burning up wiring. Great device. Although I still have a nest or wires due to so many connections AND the controller for my dashcam, all under the seat, It all is easy to see and follow if needed.

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